We travel not to escape but to explore the new place

People go on vacation to enjoy the lives they already have, not to run away from them. People are interested in the world around them and wish to visit unfamiliar areas.

Today not all the people just to travel some people go abroad to explore new city, or a place

Today more and more people are interested in using their time off to explore new places and learn about new cultures.

There are a number of reasons for this change. For one, increased global connectivity means that we are now more aware of the world beyond our own borders than ever before. At the same time, cheap air travel and vacation packages have made it easier and more affordable than ever to visit far-flung destinations.

Whatever the reasons, there is no doubt that exploring new places can be an incredibly enriching experience. Not only do you get to see sights and landmarks that you would never ordinarily see, but you also get to immerse yourself in a different culture and learn about new ways of life.

Nowadays people going abroad to study  

That’s not to argue that people don’t travel to get away from life. Because they are unsure of what they want to accomplish with their lives, some people study abroad or spend a year abroad. They believe that by taking a break from their daily routines, they will be able to discover the solution somewhere else. to finally rediscover what they always understood and give their everyday lives some purpose.

There are many reasons why people choose to study abroad, and not all of them have to do with escaping from their current life. Some people may want to experience a different culture, learn a new language, or simply get a change of scenery. Whatever the reason, studying abroad can be a great experience for anyone.

Conclusion- We don’t go to get away from life, therefore no. We travel to accept the lives we currently lead and rediscover our love for life.

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